사무엘하 11장 본문 中
2-5 One late afternoon, David got up from taking his nap and was strolling on the roof of the palace. From his vantage point on the roof he saw a woman bathing. The woman was stuningly beautiful. David sent to ask about her, and was told, "Isn't this Bathsheba, daughter of Eliam and wife of Uriah the Hittite? David sent his agents to get her.
After she arrived, he went to bed with her.(This occured during the time of "purification" following her period.) Then she returned home. Before long she realized she was pregnant. Later she sent word to David: "I'm pregnant."
14-15 In the morning David worte a letter to Joab and sent it with Uriah. In the letter he worte, "Put Uriah in the front lines where the fighting is the fiercest. Then pull back and leave him exposed to that he's sure to be killed."
25 "By the way," said Joab's messenger, "your servant Uriah the Hittite is dead."
Then David told messenger, "Oh, I see. Tell Joab, 'Don't trouble yourself over this. War kills - sometimes one, sometimes another - you never know who's next. Redouble your assault on the city and destory it.' Encourage Joab."
26-27 When Uriah's wife heard that her husband was dead, she grieved for her husband. When the time of mourning was over, David sent someone to bring her to his house. She became his wife and bore him a son.
본문 내용 요약
다윗이 범죄했습니다. One late afternoon, 전쟁 중에 낮잠을 자고 일어나got up from taking his nap, 목욕하는bathing 아주 아름다운stuningly beautiful 여인을 보았습니다. 아우 다윗 같은 분도 권력을 갖고 영적인 게으름에 빠져 범죄했습니다. 간음하지 말라는 십계명을 어긴 것입니다. 충신의 아내를 간음하고 임신pregnant한 사실을 알고 은폐하려 하는데 실패하자 결국 우리아까지 죽음he's sure to be killed으로 몰고 갑니다. 우리아가 죽고 장례가 끝나자mourning was over 다윗은 밧세바를 데려와bring her to his house 아내로 삼았습니다.became his wife
말씀에 대한 생각
믿음의 사람 다윗도 범죄할 수 밖에 없는 연약한 사람었습니다. 많은 것을 가진 그였기에 죄와 더 가까워 졌을까요?
우리는 더 가지고 싶어하고 더 누리길 원합니다. 그렇지만 더 가지고 더 누리고 있을 때는 교만하여 더 범죄하기가 쉬워지는 가봅니다. 심지어 다윗도 저렇게 범죄하는데...-_-a 늘 깨어있도록 주의해야 겠습니다.
주일 설교 말씀에 하나님에 대한 사랑이 있다면.. 하나님을 사랑하는데 기도를 안하겠냐는 목사님의 말씀이 갑자기 생각나는 군요. 보이지 않아도 항상 계시며 변한없으신 하나님에 대한 사랑을 나 스스로 잃어 버린 것이 아닌지 다시 반성해야 겠습니다. 지금 당장 특별히 힘들고 고민되는 일이 없다하더라도 상황에 속지 말고 나의 연약한 모습을 바로 알고 하나님께 의지해야 겠습니다.
Take a look again!
vantage point : location or position that provides a broad view; personal point of viewd
stunning : stun - stunned - stunning - stuningly
A stunning person or thing is extremely beautiful or impressive.
before long : If you say that something will happen or happened before long, you mean that it will happen or happened soon.
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