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[성배영]Vocabulary words - 2 Samuel 10, 사무엘하10장 영단어

by Holly홀리 2021. 6. 17.

condolence noun

con dol ence

sympathy that you feel for somebody when a person in their family or that they know well has died;

an expression of this sympathy

→ to give/offer/express your condolences

→ Our condolences go to his wife and fa mily.

→ a letterof condolence


delegate noun 

dele gate 

a person who is chosen or elected to represent the views of a group of people and vote and make decisions for them.

→ Congress delegates rejected the proposals.

→ The delegates voted to support the resolution.


snoop verb .


to fine out private things about somebody, especially by looking secretly around a place

snoop - snoops - snooped - snooping


humiliate verb

hu mili ate

humiliate somebody/yourself/something to make somebody feel ashamed or stupid and lose the respect of other people

→ I didn't want to humiliate her in front of her colleagues.

→ How could I humiliate myself like that?


[성배영]Vocabulary words - 2 Samuel 10

[성배영]2 Samuel 7 사무엘하 7장, 하나님의 언약

[성배영] 1 Samuel 26 Saul confessed, I’ve sinned. 영어성경공부, 사무엘상 26장, 영어성경 읽기

[성배영]1 Samuel 24 “I’m No Rebel” David 다윗과 Saul 사울


